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Rue Charles Brillaud
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The Museum of Shirt Manufacturing and Men’s Elegance commits itself to complying with its obligations as they are defined in Articles 34 to 37 of the aforementioned French Data Protection Act No.78-17 of January 6, 1978. You, the user, commit yourself to not engaging in anything that could be detrimental to the website’s proper functioning, to the entirety of the information published on the website, and to the reputation of the Museum of Shirt Manufacturing and Men’s Elegance. You also commit to being particularly vigilant and observe all safety precautions when using the provided elements.
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Musée de la Chemiserie et de l’Elégance masculine,
Rue Charles Brillaud
All rights reserved
Museum of Shirt Manufacturing and Men’s Elegance
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Musée de la Chemiserie et de l’Elégance masculine
Rue Charles Brillaud
E-mail: contact@museedelachemiserie.fr
Despite our writing team’s constant care and various checks, there still may be mistakes or unintentional omissions on the website; if there are, we do apologize for them. You can share your remarks or complaints by e-mailing us at: contact@museedelachemiserie.fr